Massage is meant for the entire well being of the body to improve the function parameters.
Massage usually relieves the body of the symptoms of serious diseases although it does not form a long term cure for the ailments.
Massage is great mode of relaxation and decreases insomnia and depression.
Massage is also beneficial for the relaxation of muscles and helps to cure with minor sports injuries.
A massage relieves the body of back pain and other chronic pains it also relieves stiffness.
Massage increases the blood flow and the circulation of blood in the body it dilates the blood vessels by stretching them this enables nutrients to pass through more easily. Movements made on the body such as stroking, kneading, stretching and Pumping affects the body; enabling the body to loosen the tightened muscles which squeezes the blood out like a sponge, depriving the tissues of vital nutrients and energy to repair.
Anxiety and stress is removed with massage. A regular session of massage leads to longterm health benefits, due to its re-energising and stimulating, therefore can help prevent the onstart of tension.
Acupressure points on the face, jaw, head, neck, shoulders and feet helps the body stimulate and activate the body’s own energies to help fight illness and restore harmony.
Massage helps in movements by stretching the tissues. Massage causes the pores in tissue membranes to open, which contributes to the passage of fluids and nutrients which helps to remove waste products like lactic acid and promotes the intake of oxygen and nutrients by the muscles. Therefore massage increases tissue permeability. Stretching techniques in massages; the bundles of muscle fibres are stretched. Massage can also stretch thus releasing any tension or pressure build up.
Scar tissue can lead to inflexible tissues that are prone to injury and pain, it is the result of previous injuries or trauma and can effect muscle, tendons and ligaments.
Massage improves tissue elasticity.
Massage promotes well being thus improving, general awareness and self- esteem.
Touch is the essence of massage; therfore therapists learn specific techniques and use their sense of touch with the right amount of pressure in the areas of tension and other soft-tissue problems.